
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding adults is protecting a persons right to live a life free from harm and abuse. It is about promoting their well-being and safety at all times and providing assistance to those who are less able to protect themselves.

This training course will enable candidates to identify a vulnerable person, signs to look out for, and understand the correct procedures in which to follow should they need to respond to disclosures of abuse.

Our Safeguarding of Vulnerable adults training covers;

  • Understanding what is meant by the term ‘vulnerable adult’
  • Knowing the forms abuse may take
  • Recognising signs and symptoms
  • Knowing what to do and what not to do
  • The legislation and guidance concerning safeguarding adults at risk
  • Implementing safeguarding adults at risk procedures in the workplace

Successful completion of this course will enable you to;

  • Explain what is meant by the term ‘vulnerable adult’
  • List forms abuse may take
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Understand how to respond appropriately to disclosures of abuse
  • Understand roles & responsibilities towards vulnerable adults
  • Understand the legislation and guidance concerning safeguarding adults at risk



If you would like to book a Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults course, either solely for you or on to one of our already running courses (Please see ‘what’s on’ in our calendar) please contact us on